Effect of Random Poisson's Ratio on the Response Variability of Composite Plates

  • Received : 2010.11.09
  • Accepted : 2010.11.29
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Together with the Young's modulus the Poisson's ratio is another independent material parameter that governs the behavior of a structural system. Therefore, it is meaningful to evaluate separately the influence of the parameter on the random response of the structural system. To this end, a formulation dealing with the spatial randomness in the Poisson's ratio in laminated composite plates is proposed. The main idea of the paper is to transform the fraction form of the constitutive coefficients into the expanded form in an ascending order of the stochastic field function. To validate the adequacy of the formulation, a square plate is chosen and the computation results are compared with those obtained using conventional Monte Carlo simulation. It is observed that the results show good agreement with those by the Monte Carlo simulation(MCS).



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