A Study on Effect of Meiosis Background Concepts on the High School Students' Understanding of Meiosis

  • 투고 : 2010.09.18
  • 심사 : 2010.11.01
  • 발행 : 2010.11.30


The objectives of this study were to investigate what kind of background concepts is necessary to help that high school students easily understand meiosis and to find out how these background concepts affect students' understanding of meiosis. To achieve these objectives, first this study surveyed meiosis background concepts that high school teachers think. Based on 8 background concepts - nuclear phases, chromosome, mitosis, reproduction, gamete, gene, mother/daughter cell - of previous survey, the questionnaire was made for the 10th(724) and 11th(862) grade students and then was analyzed for the effect of meiosis background concepts on the high school students' understanding of meiosis. Results of the analysis revealed that the influential background concepts are as follow; cell cycle, chromosome in the advanced level, mother/daughter cell, mitosis, chromosome, nuclear phases in the intermediate level, mother/daughter cell, nuclear phases, gene in the low level. And the achievement according to item types was differed not by meiosis achievement, but by each background concepts.



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