Differences in Clothing Selection Criteria of Regional Subculture Groups

  • Youn, Cho-Rong (Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Choo, Ho-Jung (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


This study regarded fashion selection criteria as clothing consumption value and desired fashion images, and examined selection differences according to regional subculture groups. Clothing consumption value is a direct value that people seek with clothing products and a perceived value which is divided into emotional, social, price, quality values. Fashion image which is a feeling communicated to others by wearing a certain fashion style is the most superficial value. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was performed to test the differences between regional subculture groups in clothing consumption values and desired fashion images. We found some differences in clothing consumption value specifically in emotional value and social value. The group differences were remarkably significant in fashion image comparison. 'Kang-nam' group pursued 'lively', 'sophisticated', 'charming', feminine', 'gorgeous' image more than 'Kang-buk' group. While 'Kang-buk' group produced lower scores in ideal fashion images, the group had significant higher seeking in 'sportive' image compared to 'Kangnam' group.



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