서울시 강서구 조성녹지축의 야생조류 서식처 특성 연구

Characteristics of Wildbirds Habitat of Artificial Green Corridor in Gangseo-gu, Seoul

  • 최진우 ((주)기술사사무소 L.E.T 부설 에코플랜연구센터) ;
  • 이경재 (서울시립대학교 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2010.01.31


This study was to examine the characteristics of wirdbirds habitat for improvement plan in green corridor. The target site, Gangseo-gu artificial green corridor was set up with the structure in which small scale of core green space with Goongsan and Yeomchang neighborhood parks in urbanized city was connected with the artificial green space with Gongamnaru, Hwanggeumnae neighborhood parks with 28~42.5 m in width. Wild birds six~eleven species; Dendrocopos spp, Paradoxornis webbiana, Parus major, Phasianus colchicus, etc. were observed in core green, but wild birds of two~five species: Columba livuia, Passer montanus, Pica pica, Hypsipetes amaurotis, etc. were observed in artificial green space. Thus wild birds of artificial and generalist species only moved in artificial green space. The artificial green space where vegetation structure was consisted of single-layer with poorness chose target species laying stress on generalist species and edge species of Parus major, P. palustris, Paradoxornis webbiana etc. for short-term and interior species of Dendrocopos major, Picus canus, etc. for long-term. The result suggested enhancement methods for target species's habitat in green corridor: to secure at least a corridor 30 meters in artificial corridor, to secure ecological pond, to offer the various shelterer and environment of prey-resources through the multi-layer structure.



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