Users' Adoption of a Convergent Service: A Case of Interactive TV-based Auction Service (T-auction)

  • Yoo, Jae-Heung (Department of Management Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Ha, Im-Sook (Future Strategy Division, Korea Electro-technology Research Institute) ;
  • Choi, Mun-Kee (Department of Management Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


This paper Introduces an electronic auction service to be provided on Interactive TV (T-auction). This converged service is expected to much enhance the quality of the service to current online auction users through vivid visualization and live Interactive experience. Our study focuses on how the characteristics of the interactive TV-based shopping platform can affect users' attitudes towards the converged service. To develop our proposed research model, we extended the technology acceptance model and integrated it with a hedonic factor, or perceived enjoyment to reflect the dual characteristics of the converged system. We also adopted the variable of intermediary trust In the service as a critical mediating determinant for a successful commutations-mediated commerce. The research model was verified with an empirical study conducted on 970 Korean online auction users. Results show that both trust and perceived usefulness positively affect user adoption of the service. Trust had not only a direct effect on users' attitudes toward T-auction but also an indirect one by mediating the service quality, information quality, perceived enjoyment and ease of use. Meanwhile, the hedonic factor of T-auction contributes to increasing both the level of the intermediary's trust and its perceived usefulness. Users' enjoyment also was found to help form a positive attitude toward T-auction services. Theoretical and practical implications of this study for current e-auction service providers and potential t-auction service providers are also discussed.



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