무선전력전송의 애로기술

  • 발행 : 2010.12.20




  1. C.T. Rim, ''What are the issues of Wireless Power Transfer?", Proceedings of the International Workshop on EEWS 2010.
  2. PATH team, "Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle Project Parametric Studies: Phase 3D Final Report," California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways Research Report, Oct. 1996.
  3. J. Huh, E. H. Park, G. H. Joung, C. T. Rim, ''High efficient inductive power supply system implemented for On Line Electric Vehicles," 2009 KPES pp.159-163, Nov. 2009.
  4. N. P. Suh, D. H. Cho, C. T. Rim, "Design of On-Line Electric Vehicle (OLEV), " Plenary lecture at the 2010 CIRP Design Conference, April 2010.
  5. J. Huh, S. Lee, C. Park, G.H. Cho, and C.T. Rim, "High Performance Inductive Power Transfer System with Narrow Rail Width for On-Line Electric Vehicles," in IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo, 2010, accepted.
  6. 서남표, 조동호, 조규형, 임춘택, 조정구, "전기자동차용 초박형 급전장치와 집전장치" 대한민국 특허, 출원번호 10-2009-0029671, 2009. 4. 6.