취학 전 아동의 친사회적 행동에 대한 아동의 기질, 부모의 양육행동 및 양육스트레스의 영향

The Effect of Children's Temperament, Parenting Behavior and Parenting Stress on Preschool Children's Prosocial Behavior

  • 김수경 (인천대학교 대학원) ;
  • 장영애 (인천대학교 소비자아동학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.29
  • 심사 : 2010.11.26
  • 발행 : 2010.12.30


This study was to investigate the effects of children's temperament, parenting behavior, and parenting stress on preschool children's prosocial behavior. The subjects were 190 children consisting of five and six years old and their mothers and fathers. They were selected from 6 kindergartens. Data was collected using the children's prosocial behavior index, the children's temperament index, the parenting behavior questionnaire, and the parenting stress questionnaire. The results were statistically analyzed using t-test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The study showed that there were some significant differences in children's prosocial behavior according to the children's gender, but there were no significant differences according to the children's age. Correlation analysis indicated that the children's prosocial behavior and children's temperament had significant correlation, especially the children's adaptability and activity indicated high positive correlations. In addition, the children's prosocial behavior and mother's warmth acceptance behavior had significant high positive correlation, and father's rejection restriction behavior had significant high negative correlation. Also, correlation analysis indicated that the children's prosocial behavior and the mother's and father's stress of parent-child dysfunctional interaction and educational distress had significant negative correlations. It was also found that children's gender, mother's permissiveness non- intervention behavior, mother's educational distress, mother's stress of parent-child dysfunctional interaction, and father's stress of parent-child dysfunctional interaction were all significant predictors of the preschool children's prosocial behavior.



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