Super-SBM을 이용한 어항의 효율성분석에 관한 연구

A Study on the Efficiency of Fishing-Ports Based on Super-SBM

  • 박철형 (부경대학교 자원경제학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.11.30
  • 심사 : 2010.12.24
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


This study is to analyze the efficiency of Korean fishing ports using DEA. First, the study calculated the efficiency scores based on a CCR-BCC framework and hence technical, pure technical, and scale efficiency scores are seperated for the 38 fishing ports under study. The Average of technical, pure technical, and scale efficiency are turned out to be 0.6834, 0.8582, and 0.7774 respectively. The 15 fishing ports are fully efficient under the constant returns to scale while 21 fishing ports under the variable returns to scale. Second, the super efficiency scores are also calculated under the radial model without the consideration of slacks. The highest score is turned out to be 4.4984 for the P16 fishing port with the average score of 0.9652 for the entire fishing ports. Nevertheless, P16 fishing port has showed up only once as a reference set. On the other hand, P34 fishing port has showed up 11 times as a reference set, which scored the second highest score of 2.9815. Finally the super efficiency scores are calculated under the non-radial model with the explicit consideration of slacks. Now the P34 fishing port scored the highest score of 2.3424 with even 15 times referred to a bench-mark. Therefore the importance of P34 fishing port is emphasized once again on the field of bench-marking for the efficiency of fishing ports. When the targets for the input factors to improve the efficiency of each DMU are calculated the area of fishing port needs the most adjustment to be reduced for 40.36% on the average, while the cosignment sales area does the least adjustment for 13.70%.



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