A Jungian Perspective on 'Spiritual Exercises' of St. Ignatius

이냐시오 '영신수련'에 대한 분석심리학적 고찰

  • Received : 2010.03.26
  • Accepted : 2010.05.28
  • Published : 2010.06.25


The main focus of this article investigates Jung's analytic implications of the Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Exercises is referred to not only as the tool for transformation that transformed Ignatius from a soldier of the world into a soldier of God and led him to a completely changed life but also as a tool which galvanizes self-realization, i.e., individuation process, in which a faithful experiences the presence of God in his life and is in search for himself in a new way. The interest in the Exercises regarded as a Western version of Yoga of the East which is a tool for transformation led Jung to give a series of 20 lectures on the Exercises in a seminar held in Zurich from 1939 to 1940. Curiosity about Jung's understanding on the Exercises provokes my desire to step into this research. The Exercises is a book for spiritual exercises that prepare and dispose one's soul to rid itself of all disordered attachments and to order one's life. The Exercises is made up of four Weeks. The First begins with 'Principle and Foundation' which illustrates what human beings are created for. It leads retreatants to rid themselves of disordered attachments and to have a new perspective on life by the consideration and contemplation of sins as the subversion of the Principle and Foundation. The Second is the period in which retreatants accept Christ as the Master of their lives through the meditation and contemplation of the life of Christ. In the Third, retreatants take part in the salvation history of Christ not only by actively participating in the Passion of Christ but also by incorporating the Passion into their lives. The Fourth aids retreatants to undergo their transformation and experience it deeply in order to participate in the new life of Christ who by His resurrection overcame death. In conclusion, Jung viewed the Exercises as a Western tool which plays the similar role of Yoga of the East which engenders inner transformation. The four-week-long retreat helps retreatants to meditate on God who unifies everything and is Himself/Herself the perfect union or the unity so that imperfect retreatants are given opportunities to undergo complete metamorphosis into the immortal, indivisible, and impeccable God. Jung understood that this metamorphosis leads human beings to the totality, that is, the genuine self as the image of God. The author interprets that it is the transformation that the Exercises tries to attain, which resonates with individuation, the key element of analytic psychology.

크리스챤 영성의 관점에서는 '영성(靈性)'이란 바로 우리가 우리 자신이 되게 하는 영적 씨앗으로써 누구나 그 씨앗을 발아시켜 자기 자신의 온전한 본 모습을 찾아가는 길이다. 자기실현(自己實現) 또는 개성화과정은 융의 중심사상으로, 개인적 성격의 발달을 지향하는 분화의 과정이다. 달리 말해 의식과 무의식의 통합을 이루어 자신이 가지고 있는 모든 기능을 온전히 제대로 사용할 수 있도록 함으로써 전체성(全體性)을 달성해 나가는 과정이다. 그렇다면 이는 인간 누구에게나 주어진 삶의 중심과제일 수밖에 없다. 이런 측면에서 보면, 영성신학적인 견해와 분석심리학적인 견해가 서로 만날 수 있는 길이 보인다. 스위스 취리히(Zurich)의 연방기술연구소에서 1938년부터 1941년까지 열렸던 특강 시리즈에서, 융은 동양과 서양의 전형적인 상징과 변환과정에 대한 고찰을 통해 요가와 이냐시오 성인의 '영신수련', 그리고 연금술에 대해 강의하면서, 서양을 대표하는 인간 정신의 변환의 도구로써 이냐시오의 '영신수련'을 들고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이냐시오의 '영신수련'에 대한 융의 견해를 중심으로 '영신수련'을 개성화의 과정과 비교해봄으로써 그 분석심리학적 함의를 조명해보는데 중점을 두었다.



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