Korean Image Preferences Based on Lifestyle Segments

라이프스타일 집단에 따른 캐주얼웨어의 한국적 이미지 선호

  • Hwang, Jin-Sook (Dept. of Apparel Design, Konkuk University) ;
  • Lee, Jin (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Konkuk University)
  • 황진숙 (건국대학교 의상디자인전공) ;
  • 이진 (건국대학교 대학원 의류학과)
  • Received : 2010.03.04
  • Accepted : 2010.04.09
  • Published : 2010.06.30


The purposes of this study were to segment consumers by life style groups and to investigate the differences among the segmented groups in regard to Korean image preferences in casual wear. The subjects of the study were 653 women consumers who lived in Seoul. Data were collected from July to September, 2007. Statistical analyses used in the study were factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and Scheffe test. The results showed that there were seven factors of life style: fashion and appearance interest, pride in Korea, sociability, interest in foreign culture, family centered, sports/culture, and interest in Korean food. Based on the seven factors, the consumers were segmented into three groups. They were fashion/diverse culture interest group, family/recreation oriented group, and sociability/family oriented group. The results showed that there were significant differences among the lifestyle segmented groups in regard to Korean image preferences for color, fabric, pattern, and categories of casual wear, and the intention to purchase the casual wear. For example, fashion/diverse culture interest group preferred diverse Korean prints, red, orange, blue and white colors, natural fabrics, and various types of casual wear. Also, the group has the highest interest and intention in wearing Korean image casual wear.
