Phonetics and Speech Sciences (말소리와 음성과학)
- Volume 2 Issue 4
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- Pages.153-161
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- 2010
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- 2005-8063(pISSN)
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- 2586-5854(eISSN)
Various Approaches to Improve Exclusion Performance of Non-similar Candidates from N-best Recognition Results on Isolated Word Recognition
고립 단어 인식 결과의 비유사 후보 단어 제외 성능을 개선하기 위한 다양한 접근 방법 연구
(한남대학교 정보통신공학과)
- Received : 2010.10.08
- Accepted : 2010.12.18
- Published : 2010.12.31
Many isolated word recognition systems may generate non-similar words for recognition candidates because they use only acoustic information. The previous study [1,2] investigated several techniques which can exclude non-similar words from N-best candidate words by applying Levenstein distance measure. This paper discusses the various improving techniques of removing non-similar recognition results. The mentioned methods include comparison penalties or weights, phone accuracy based on confusion information, weights candidates by ranking order and partial comparisons. Through experimental results, it is found that some proposed method keeps more accurate recognition results than the previous method's results.