미숙사과를 이용한 사과마스크팩의 정기적인 사용이 중년여성의 피부상태 개선에 대한 임상효과 평가

Clinical Effectiveness of Regular Use of Unripe Apple Mask Pack on Skin Status of Middle-aged Women

  • 투고 : 2010.08.16
  • 심사 : 2010.10.12
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


The effects of unripe apple mask pack made from unripe apple extracts on the skin status of middle-aged women for 4 weeks were investigated. The subjects were divided into three groups: placebo mask pack as the control (PM, n = 8), apple mask pack (AM, n = 16), and apple mask pack + apple intake (AAM, n = 12). The study included a survey questionnaire, and evaluations of nutrients intakes and of skin status. Skin status was measured by Aramo-TS. After 4 weeks, facial moisture, elasticity, evenness, and wrinkle level were improved in AM and AAM. The facial moisture level (AM: $+3.13\;{\pm}\;2.73$, AAM: $+2.25\;{\pm}\;2.93$) and elasticity level (AM: $+5.81\;{\pm}\;8.27$, AAM: $+5.50\;{\pm}\;6.13$) of AM (p < 0.001) and AAM (p < 0.05) were increased. The facial evenness level (AM: $-5.25\;{\pm}\;8.13$, AAM: $-9.17\;{\pm}\;4.26$) and wrinkle level (AM: $-10.88\;{\pm}\;11.74$, AAM: $-17.83\;{\pm}\;12.22$) were significantly decreased. AAM was more effective in improving skin elasticity, evenness, and wrinkle. The skin status of PM was not changed. While the macronutrient intakes of all the subjects were not different before and after the study, the daily intakes of some vitamins (vitamins $B_6$, C, and E and folic acid) during the study were significantly increased in AAM. These findings suggested that regular use of apple mask pack was effective in improving overall skin status. Furthermore, the consumption of apples with mask pack application was much better in improving skin status.



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