가족친화적 생활환경 요소가 유자녀 기혼남녀의 다중역할 수행의 효과에 미치는 영향 : 거주환경 만족도, 가족지원시설만족도, 가족지원 프로그램만족도, 양육 및 교육환경 만족도, 생활환경 정보의 접근성을 중심으로

The influence of Family-Friendly Life Environment Factors on the Effect of Multiple roles of Married Men/Women with Children : Focused on living environment satisfaction, family support facility satisfaction, family support program satisfaction, nurture and education environment satisfaction, and living environment information accessibility

  • 박주희 (성신여자대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.07.05
  • 심사 : 2010.10.13
  • 발행 : 2010.10.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of family-friendly life environment factors including local community's living environment satisfaction (safety, convenience, comfort, accessibility, exchange of neighbor satisfaction), family support facility satisfaction, family support program satisfaction and nurture and education environment satisfaction, and local community's living information accessibility on the effect of multiple roles of married men and women with children. Data were collected from 380 married men and women with children located Seoul, GyeongGi-Do, ChungCheongBuk-Do, and KyungSangNam-Do. The results show that, first of all, related to general trend of role satisfaction and role strain, the subjects have higher experience of role satisfaction than role strain. Secondly, the variables of social demography, such as monthly income, non-regular full-time working system, white collar occupation, number of children and level of education, and living environment variables, such as satisfaction of living environment stability and satisfaction of neighbor exchange in living environment were significantly related to role strain. Thirdly, social demography variables, such as average monthly earnings, gender (male), non-regular part-time working system, satisfaction of stability in living environment, and satisfaction of convenience in living environment were significantly related to role strain.



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