구체적 피드백과 포괄적 피드백이 건설 현장 근로자들의 안전 행동에 미치는 상대적 효과 검증

Relative Effects on Construction Workers' Safety Behavior Between Global Feedback and Specific Feedback

  • 투고 : 2010.03.25
  • 심사 : 2010.10.27
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


The main purpose of this study was to examine relative effects on safety behaviors between global feedback and specific feedback at a construction site. Participants were 30 full-time workers at a construction site. Five safety related behaviors were identified as critical behaviors. An ABCB within-group design was adopted. After baseline (A), participants received global feedback on their average percentage of all five target safety behaviors (B). In the next phase, participants received specific feedback on the percentages of individual target behaviors (C). In the final phase, the global feedback condition was reintroduced (B). Results showed that both global feedback and specific feedback were effective in increasing the frequencies of safety behaviors and there were no differences in the effectiveness between the two types of feedbacks.



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