옻칠 기법을 이용한 티 테이블 개발에 관한 연구

A Study of Tea Table Development Employing Traditional Varnishing with Lacquer

  • Kim, Sang-Kwon (Furniture Design Division, Kaywon School of Art and Design)
  • 발행 : 2010.01.25


Furniture is a medium to interconnect the living space to human, and it is the closest environmental element that limits the functions of the space, defines the style of the living, and adjusts the actions and behaviors of human. Therefore the furniture can be said to be one of the craft arts that reflects the culture and living style as they are according to the periodical, regional, and social stratum characteristics. Within this context, this study tries to suggest new design and living culture that can harmonize with the modern residence living culture and incorporate the traditional varnishing technique with lacquer that had been discontinued. Coming to the modern days, the varnishing with lacquer is getting attention again with its environment friendly characteristics and antibiotic functions, and is being applied to various applications. To inherit and maintain such an excellent traditional culture, I would like to improve the practicality by applying to modern furniture, and to contribute to develop and tell the world about the superiority of our culture.
