산업화 관점에서의 미래 인터넷 기술 동향

  • 발행 : 2010.01.20




  1. D. Clark, "Contemplating a future Internet," Internet Innovation Workshop, June 2007, http://cfit.ucdavis.edu/internet_futures/workshop.html
  2. FIND: NSF NeTS FIND Initiative, http://www.netsfind. net/
  3. GENI: Exploring Networks of the Future, http:// www.geni.net/
  4. European Future Internet Portal, http://www.futureinternet.eu/
  5. FIREWORKS, http://www.ict-fireworks.eu/home.html
  6. "Future Networks: Probelm Statement and Requirements," ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 WG 7 (TR.FNPSR), June 2009.
  7. IETF, http://www.ietf.org
  8. IRTF, http://www.irtf.org
  9. Planetlab, http://www.planet-lab.org
  10. V. Cerf, B. Davie, A. Greenberg, S. Landau, and D. Sincokie, "FIND Observer Panel Report," April 9, 2009.
  11. M. Frans Kaashoek, et al., "Report of the NSF Workshop on Research Challenges in Distributed Computer Systems," NSF Workshop Report, GDD- 05-06, Dec. 2005
  12. V. Reding, "Internet of the Future: What policies to make it happen?," Future of the Internet Conference, Prague, May 2009.
  13. European Communities, "New public-private partnerships for research in the manufacturing, construction and automotive sectors," ISBN 978-92-79-12639-0, 2009.
  14. NICT NwGN, http://www.nict.go.jp/research/network- e.html
  15. Yu-Huang Chu, "Future Network Project in CHTTL," Asia Future Internet School, Jeju, Aug. 2008.
  16. 정보통신 중점기술 표준화 로드맵 Ver. 2009, 한국 정보통신기술협회