LDPC 코드의 빠른 복원을 위한 1단으로 구성된 적응적인 오프셋 MS 알고리즘

Single-Step Adaptive Offset Min-Sum Algorithm for Decoding LDPC Codes

  • 발행 : 2010.03.01


Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with belief-propagation (BP) algorithm achieve a remarkable performance close to the Shannon limit at reasonable decoding complexity. Conventionally, each iteration in decoding process contains two steps, the horizontal step and the vertical step. In this paper, an efficient implementation of the adaptive offset min-sum (AOMS) algorithm for decoding LDPC codes using the single-step method is proposed. Furthermore, the performances of the AOMS algorithm compared with belief-propagation (BP) algorithm are investigated. The algorithms using the single-step method reduce the implementation complexity, speed up the decoding process and have better efficiency in terms of memory requirements.



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