음악검색을 위한 가변임계치 기반의 음성 질의 변환 기법

A Threshold Adaptation based Voice Query Transcription Scheme for Music Retrieval

  • 한병준 (고려대학교 전자전기공학과) ;
  • 노승민 (고려대학교 전기전자전파공학부) ;
  • 황인준 (고려대학교 전기전자전파공학부)
  • 발행 : 2010.02.01


This paper presents a threshold adaptation based voice query transcription scheme for music information retrieval. The proposed scheme analyzes monophonic voice signal and generates its transcription for diverse music retrieval applications. For accurate transcription, we propose several advanced features including (i) Energetic Feature eXtractor (EFX) for onset, peak, and transient area detection; (ii) Modified Windowed Average Energy (MWAE) for defining multiple small but coherent windows with local threshold values as offset detector; and finally (iii) Circular Average Magnitude Difference Function (CAMDF) for accurate acquisition of fundamental frequency (F0) of each frame. In order to evaluate the performance of our proposed scheme, we implemented a prototype music transcription system called AMT2 (Automatic Music Transcriber version 2) and carried out various experiments. In the experiment, we used QBSH corpus [1], adapted in MIREX 2006 contest data set. Experimental result shows that our proposed scheme can improve the transcription performance.



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