7년령의 중성화한 수컷 Basset hound 가 식욕부진, 체중 감소, 혈변, 구토의 증상을 4개월 동안 보이며 내원하였다. 혈액 검사상, 소적혈구성, 저색소성 빈혈을 보였으며, 그 외 임상검사 소견은 정상이었다. 방사선 단순 촬영 시연부 조직 음영이 증가 된 것을 우측 상복부에서 관찰할 수 있었으며, 초음파와 컴퓨터 단층 촬영에서는 내림 십이지장의 벽이 전반적으로 비후되어 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 생검을 통해 조직의 만성 염증 소견과 점막밑까지 침투되어있는 증식된 점막과 다수의 작은 샘과 같은 구조들을 확인하였고, 장샘암종을 확진 하였다. 13개월 동안의 대증치료 후에 환자는 폐사하였다. 본 증례는 개에서 드문 십이지장 샘암종의 임상학적, 영상진단학적, 조직병리학적 검사와 그 결과에 대해 기술하고자 한다.
A seven-year-old, castrated male Basset hound weighing 21.1 kg was presented for investigation of anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, melena and vomiting for 4 months. In laboratory findings, microcytic hypochromic anemia was identified, and other results were within a normal reference range. On the plain radiographs, soft tissue opacity was increased in the descending duodenal region; and on the contrast radiographs, ulcerative changes were identified in the entire segment of descending duodenum. Ultrasonographic findings included increased duodenal wall thickness and duodenal wall layering was lost. Endoscopy revealed irregular mucosal surface and luminal narrowing of the descending duodenum. There was concentrically thickened descending duodenum on the computed tomography. And the wall of the descending duodenum showed heterogenous enhancement after contrast agent injection. On histopathological findings, both chronic inflammation with mucosal proliferation and neoplastic changes with multiple small glandslike structures invading into the submucosa were identified. Based on these findings, presented case was diagnosed as an annular form duodenal adenocarcinoma. After 13 months of supportive medical treatment, the patient was expired. The purpose of this case report was to describe the duodenal adenocarcinoma in a dog.