메디앙스 이론의 고찰을 통한 근대성에 내재하는 장소적 문제로서 추상성 발생 요인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Causes Incurring Abstractness as Placeness problem Innate in Modernity through the Review of Mediance Theory

  • 투고 : 2010.07.24
  • 심사 : 2010.10.18
  • 발행 : 2010.10.25


The trend of abstract expressions has become one of the fundamental causes of the problems relating to a sense of place in modern architecture. This trend began in earnest after the era of modernism, caused by the effect of modern dualism. Before analyzing the problems of the modern trend of abstract expressions and sense of place, a fundamental review of the establishment of human environments is necessary. In this context, this study deals with the principles of the establishment of an environment based on the logic of projection between human beings and milieu, through the concept of mediance by Augustin Berque, and based on this, causes of adverse effects on the establishment of environments in modernism were verified. In addition, the last section covers the conceptual supplements required in order for the concept of mediance to become practical, overcoming its limitation of being simply theoretical. Through this analysis on the concept of mediance, it is realized that a genuine sense of place can be achieved only when architecture moves beyond the individual dimension as a simply physical object, and instead plays a role as a socially sustainable community, embracing the people and unique objects therein.



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