The Impact of Medicaid Expansion to include population with low income on the preventable hospitalizations

의료급여 수급권자 확대정책이 예방가능한 입원율에 미친 영향

  • Published : 2010.03.31


The objective of this study were to examine the impact of medicaid coverage expansion policy aimed at improving access to primary care. The case-control study was conducted to compare preventable hospitalization(PH) rate in new medicaid recipients versus national health insurance(NHI) enrollees form 1996 to 2001. Rates of preventable hospitalization associated with ambulatory care sensitive conditions(ACSC) were calculated and standardized by age and sex. Multinomial logit regression model was used to control the confounding factors such as age, gender and charlson comorbidity index Annual PH rates in the new medicaid increased 1.64 times after medicaid expansion, with controling confounding factors. Meanwhile, annual PH rate in the NHI increased 1.68 times during the same period, with adjusting confounding factors. Current findings suggest that the new medicaid PH rate was less likely to rise than NHI PH rate after implementing medicaid expansion. This study is expected to provide policy-relevant evidence of medicaid expansion to include population with low income.



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