국내 재가 뇌질환 환자의 가족 구조 및 소득의 변화

The Change in Family Structure and Income for Community-dwelling Patients with Brain Disorders

Leigh, Ja-Ho;Kim, Kee-Won;Jung, Sung-Jin;Jung, Se-Hee;Lee, Kyoung-Moo;Park, Si-Won;Chun, Min-Ho;Jung, Han-Young;Kim, Il-Soo;Kim, See-Hyun;Han, Tai-Ryoon

  • 발행 : 20100400


Objective: To find out the changes of the family structure and familial total income of Korean patients with the brain disorders and associated factors. Method: A total of 1,903 patients with brain disorders in Korea were enrolled and drew up the questionnaires about their socioeconomic state and family supports, including preand post-disorder family structure, compositions of their family income, and employment of caregivers. Results: A 38.2% of subjects experienced the change in numbers of cohabiting family, decrement in 30.3% and increment in 7.9%. Prior to brain disorders, 48.6% of patients earned their living by themselves, but only 2.8% did after brain disorders. Separation and divorce increased, especially three times more in male patients than in females. A 16.6% of patients employed caregivers, and used them 6.2 days per week, 18 hours a day on average. Conclusion: This study reemphasized the worsening socioeconomic state of patients with brain disorders and their families. Increasing tendency of social isolation was also noted.



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