Dissociative Photoionization of Dodecamethylcyclohexasilane in a Supersonic Molecular Beam: Elucidation of Excited States via a TD DFT Calculation

Boo, Bong-Hyun;Cho, Han-Joung;Lee, Jae-Kwang;Lim, Edward C.

  • Published : 20100100


Resonant 2-photon ionization and fluorescence excitation spectroscopies of dodecamethylcyclohexasilane (DDMCHS) were investigated in the range from 262 to 290 nm in a supersonic molecular beam. We observed the parent ion, $Si_{6}Me_{12}^{+}$, and its various daughter ions,$Si_{6}Me_{11}^{+}$, $Si_{5}Me_{9}^{+}$, $Si_{4}Me_{9}^{+}$, $Si_{3}Me_{7}^{+}$, $Si_{3}Me_{6}^{+}$, $Si_{2}Me_{3}^{+}$, and $Si_{2}Me_{2}^{+}$, in the whole photon energy range. The occurrences of consecutive bond scissions and rearrangements with excess energy accumulated by additional photon absorption after the two-photon ionization of the DDMCHS molecule could explain the formation of various ionic products. The experimental vertical excitation energies are favorably compared with the values predicted by using the TD DFT calculation.



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