Factors Affecting Job Stress of School Nurse in Secondary School

중등 보건교사의 직무 스트레스에 영향을 미치는 요인

  • Received : 2010.11.15
  • Accepted : 2010.12.21
  • Published : 2010.12.01


Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the factors affecting the job stress of school nurses and reducing their the job stress by analyzing degree of the stress according to the factors related to job stress. Methods: The participants were 136 school nurses who worked in Pusan province. The Data were collected by self-reporting questionnaires from Dec. 11th in 2006 to Feb. 9th in 2007. The data were analyzed by Frequency, Mean, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression analysis (SPSSwin 12.0s). Results: There was significant difference of the degree of job stress in age. There was significantly negative relationship between the job characteristics and job stress (r=-.473), job satisfaction and job stress (r=-.561), personal values and job stress (r=-.429), achievement motivation and job stress (r=-.215) at p<.01 level. The major factor which influence the degree of job stress was job satisfaction. Conclusion: The factors affecting the job stress of school nurses was correlated with one another and influenced to the degree of the job stress directly and indirectly. The factor that affected the degree of the job stress directly was the job satisfaction and the personal values. As shown this result, it is important that the factor of the job stress lies in the mental characteristics.



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