치위생과 학생들의 임상실습 스트레스 요인 및 대처방식

Dental hygiene students' stress during clinical practices and stress coping styles

  • Kim, Soo-Kyung (Department of Dantal Hygiene, Shinheung College University) ;
  • Jung, You-Sun (Department of Dantal Hygiene, Beakseok Culture University)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.01
  • 심사 : 2010.10.23
  • 발행 : 2010.10.30


Objectives : In this study, 233 dental hygiene students in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas were surveyed in order to provide the basic data for more effective clinical practice by investigating the stress they experience during the clinical practice and how they cope with stress; Methods : 5 areas in stress factors as environmental factor, interpersonal factor, role and activity, ideal and value, and the amount of BEPSI and 4 areas in their coping methods as problem-oriented, social support, emotion-oriented, and wishful thinking were measured by Liker 5-point scale. Results : 1. The satisfaction level of subjects on their major was the highest as 'generally satisfied (50.6%),' and their satisfaction level of clinical practice was also the highest as 'generally satisfied (32.6%).' 2. The clinical practice stress was 2.76 points on average, and their stress factors were ideal and value (3.18), environmental factor (2.98), role and activity (2,70), the amount of BEPSI (2.55), and interpersonal factor (2.37). And the way how they cope with stress were 3.29 points on average, wishful thinking (3.71), social support (3.36), problem-oriented (3.13), and emotion-oriented (2.95). 3. The clinical practice stress according to clinical training institutions showed significant differences: university dental hospitals and general hospitals (2.83), dental clinics (2.65), and dental hospitals (2.63). 4. The clinical practice stress showed a negative correlation between the satisfaction level of major and the satisfaction level of clinical practice (p<0.01), and the more satisfaction they had in their major and clinical practice, the less stress during the clinical practice. 5. In the correlation between each subordinate factor of the stress in clinical practice and how to cope with it, interpersonal factor and emotion-oriented factor, the amount of BEPSI and wishful thinking showed a positive correlation (p<0.05). Conclusions : In this study, it is necessary to develop clinical practice program that is to increase satisfaction and provide motivation in order to reduce the stress during clinical training.



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