지역주거지의 형태와 구성에 관한 사례연구 -파리 베르시 및 뢰이이 주거지를 중심으로-

A Case study on the Composition and Form of a Local Residential Area -Focused on the Residential Area of Bercy and Reuilly in Paris-

  • 투고 : 2010.03.19
  • 심사 : 2010.05.06
  • 발행 : 2010.05.25


This study aims to present the basic criterions about the planning of local residential area in the middle or small city with an analysis of several samples in Paris, where is currently realizing many various housing projects and residential area development, especially theirs development methods, form and composition of theses samples and residential areas. At this object, this study was preceded with 3 main contents. Firstly, it has examined the development method, procedure and development samples, which is the precedence step for the organization of dwelling zone. Secondly, after presenting the criterions analysis of residential area's samples as drew the concept related with the presented residential area planning in corresponded cases, it has analyzed about the practical planning factors applied at each samples. Lastly, regarding precedent studies, it has examined the relation between planning factors and theory factors. The residential development in Paris, which was examined by this study, has been achieved through reasonable procedure from the superior concepts to detail planning and concept design for the project and the analysis result like this is expected to use as the basic criterions for the development and planning orientation of local residential area in Korea.



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