Protein S (PS) deficiency is a rare blood disorder associated with thrombosis. Only a small number of cases of isolated celiac artery dissection can be found in the literature. We now report a case of isolated celiac artery dissection and splenic infarction in a 44-year old male with PS deficiency. Abdominal computed tomography revealed celiac artery dissection and splenic infarction. The patient's PS activity was 64% (nl : 70~140%) upon admission and 52% four weeks later. He was started on a regimen of NPO, antibiotics, and analgesics. He resumed oral intake of food and drugs on hospital day 3 and was discharged to his home on hospital day 8. We report a case of isolated celiac artery dissection with splenic infarction in a patient with PS deficiency that improved with conservative treatment. The patient's management did not include anti-platelet/thrombotic agents or endovascular/operational procedures.