A Study on the Analytical Technique for the Actual Conditions of Fundamental Facility for Education in University Campus - Focused on the Case of C University Campus in Gyeongbuk -

대학 캠퍼스 교육기본시설 운용실태 분석기법에 관한 연구 - 경북 소재 C대학의 사례를 중심으로 -

  • 김치환 (대구가톨릭대학교 건축학부)
  • Received : 2010.05.19
  • Accepted : 2010.06.19
  • Published : 2010.06.30


It is high level of management activity for the fixed property of building to operating spaces for education in university campus. Therefore, this study is focused on definition of the factors for analyzing the actual conditions of space operation and application of them to C university campus in Gyeongbuk in the aspect of infrastructure of university and efficiency of space operation. These analytical factors are the rate of lecture and experimentation room, the rate of theoretical and experimental subject in curriculum and unit area for infrastructure and the rate of use, turnover rate and occupation rate per lecture for space operation. If the analytical factors of space operation are systemized as program module for space operation, the space management system of university campus will be characterized on the foundation of university information system. And it will be able to support the decision making about space management. It needs to integrate various type of information and data of university to increase the efficiency of decision making.



Supported by : 대구가톨릭대학교


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