『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』의 '형기론(形氣論)'에 대한 소고

A View on Hyung-Ki in Donguibogam

  • Park, Jun Gyu (Department of Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Cha, Wungseok (Department of Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Namil (Department of Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.01
  • 심사 : 2010.09.19
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


The narration of "Donguibogam" is focused on humans whilst medical books before it focused on diseases. This is shown from the first subtitle of External Body(身形門) chapter, [The Origin of Hyung-Ki(形氣之始)]. The contents of [The Origin of Hyung-Ki] explains that the human body is composed of 'Hyung(形)' and 'Ki(氣)' This perspective is shown throughout "Donguibogam". First, in the aspect of construction, the viewpoint is shown from the JipRye(集例). It divides the body into inside and outside, which is a result of Hyung-Ki perspective. This continues in the table of contents. Naegyeongpyeon(內景) and Oehyeongpyeon(外形) describes the inside and outside of the body, in other words 'Hyung-Ki'. Japbyeongpyeon(雜病) describes complex illnesses with mixed insides and outsides. Tangaekpyeon(湯液) and Chimgupyeon(鍼灸) can be understood as division of treatment methods into inside and outside. When we look at the contents, the human body is created on the basis of the essence and vital energy of the world. Cheon-Ki becomes the 'Ki' that forms the functions of the body, while Ji-Ki becomes the 'Hyung' that constructs the bodily structure. It is considered that 'Hyung' is composed of SaDae(the body essence, vital energy, mentality and blood), and 'Ki' is composed of OSang(the five Jang organs and six Bu organs). 'Hyung' and 'Ki' show various appearances according to physiology and pathology. 'Hyung' is especially shown by obesity or thinness, 'Ki' by color. The obese may have Ki deficiency, coldness, dampness or phlegm. The thin could have blood deficiency, heat, fire or dryness. The color could show the pathology of the five Jang organs by the five colors, but it can simply be divided into black and white, where black means Eum deficiency, and white means Yang deficiency. It is said that the distinctive feature of traditional Korean medicine is that it is a constitutional medicine. In this perspective, further study on 'Hyung-Ki' is of value. If "Donguibogam" was the foundation of the Sasang Constitutional Medicine(四象醫學), study on 'Hyung-Ki' means searching for the origin of the Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Also, the study on Sasang Constitutional Medicine and Hyungsang medicine(形象醫學) will show the modern image of "Donguibogam". Hence, interchange study between "Donguibogam", Sasang Constitutional Medicine and Hyungsang medicine through the term 'Hyung-Ki' could hopefully lead to academic progression.



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