• Yang, W.S. (Argonne National Laboratory) ;
  • Smith, M.A. (Argonne National Laboratory) ;
  • Lee, C.H. (Argonne National Laboratory) ;
  • Wollaber, A. (Argonne National Laboratory) ;
  • Kaushik, D. (Argonne National Laboratory) ;
  • Mohamed, A.S. (Argonne National Laboratory)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.02
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


This paper presents the neutronics modeling capabilities of the fast reactor simulation system SHARP, which ANL is developing as part of the U.S. DOE's NEAMS program. We discuss the three transport solvers (PN2ND, SN2ND, and MOCFE) implemented in the UNIC code along with the multigroup cross section generation code $MC^2$-3. We describe the solution methods and modeling capabilities, and discuss the improvement needs for each solver, focusing on massively parallel computation. We present the performance test results against various benchmark problems and ZPR-6 and ZPPR critical experiments. We also discuss weak and strong scalability results for the SN2ND solver on the ZPR-6 critical assembly benchmarks.



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