• Sanchez, Richard (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire Service d'Etudes de Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees) ;
  • Zmijarevi, Igor (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire Service d'Etudes de Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees) ;
  • Coste-Delclaux, M. (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire Service d'Etudes de Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees) ;
  • Masiello, Emiliano (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire Service d'Etudes de Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees) ;
  • Santandrea, Simone (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire Service d'Etudes de Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees) ;
  • Martinolli, Emanuele (AREVA Engineering & Projects) ;
  • Villate, Laurence (AREVA Engineering & Projects) ;
  • Schwartz, Nadine (EDF R&D) ;
  • Guler, Nathalie (EDF R&D)
  • 투고 : 2010.07.24
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


This paper presents the mostortant developments implemented in the APOLLO2 spectral code since its last general presentation at the 1999 M&C conference in Madrid. APOLLO2 has been provided with new capabilities in the domain of cross section self-shielding, including mixture effects and transfer matrix self-shielding, new or improved flux solvers (CPM for RZ geometry, heterogeneous cells for short MOC and the linear-surface scheme for long MOC), improved acceleration techniques ($DP_1$), that are also applied to thermal and external iterations, and a number of sophisticated modules and tools to help user calculations. The method of characteristics, which took over the collision probability method as the main flux solver of the code, allows for whole core two-dimensional heterogeneous calculations. A flux reconstruction technique leads to fast albeit accurate solutions used for industrial applications. The APOLLO2 code has been integrated (APOLLO2-A) within the $ARCADIA^{(R)}$ reactor code system of AREVA as cross section generator for PWR and BWR fuel assemblies. APOLLO2 is also extensively used by Electricite de France within its reactor calculation chain. A number of numerical examples are presented to illustrate APOLLO2 accuracy by comparison to Monte Carlo reference calculations. Results of the validation program are compared to the measured values on power plants and critical experiments.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Interpretation of Fission Product Oscillations in the MINERVE Reactor, from Thermal to Epithermal Spectra vol.169, pp.3, 2011,
  2. A Burnup-Dependent Isomeric Production Branching Ratio Treatment vol.171, pp.1, 2012,
  3. Derivation of a Physically Based Hybrid Technique for the Solution of Source-Driven Time-Dependent Linear Boltzmann Equations vol.41, pp.1-2, 2012,
  4. Neutronics Experimental Validation of the Jules Horowitz Reactor Fuel by Interpretation of the VALMONT Experimental Program—Transposition of the Uncertainties on the Reactivity of JHR With JEF2.2 and JEFF3.1.1 vol.59, pp.4, 2012,
  5. Development and Experimental Validation of a Calculation Scheme for Nuclear Heating Evaluation in the Core of the OSIRIS Material Testing Reactor vol.9, pp.4, 2012,
  6. Improvements in Transport Calculations by the Energy-Dependent Fission Spectra and Subgroup Method for Mutual Self-Shielding vol.175, pp.3, 2013,
  7. Reactivity Loss Validation of High-Burnup PWR Fuels with Pile-Oscillation Experiments in MINERVE vol.175, pp.3, 2013,
  8. Monte Carlo Interpretation of the AMMON/REF Experiment in EOLE for the JHR Reactor Neutron Calculations vol.175, pp.3, 2013,
  9. Introduction of Thorium-Based Fuels in High Conversion Pressurized Water Reactors vol.182, pp.2, 2013,
  10. Reactor Neutrinos vol.2013, pp.1687-7365, 2013,
  11. Analysis of the AMMON Experimental Program in the EOLE Facility Supporting the Qualification of the JHR Neutron and Photon Tools vol.61, pp.4, 2014,
  12. Burnup Credit Implementation for PWR UOX Used Fuel Assemblies in France: From Study to Practical Experience vol.181, pp.2, 2015,
  13. Simulation and Comparison of the Calorimeters Measuring the Nuclear Heating in the OSIRIS Reactor, with the TRIPOLI-4 Monte-Carlo Code vol.62, pp.3, 2015,
  14. vol.106, pp.2100-014X, 2016,
  15. Improved Mixed Oxide Fuel Calculations with the Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JEFF-3.2 vol.182, pp.2, 2016,
  16. Americium-241 integral radiative capture cross section in over-moderated neutron spectrum from pile oscillator measurements in the Minerve reactor vol.146, pp.2100-014X, 2017,
  17. Work plan for improving the DARWIN2.3 depleted material balance calculation of nuclides of interest for the fuel cycle vol.146, pp.2100-014X, 2017,
  18. A Measurement of the Absolute Reactor Antineutrino Flux and Spectrum at Daya Bay vol.164, pp.2100-014X, 2017,
  19. Manufacturing Data Uncertainties Propagation Method in Burn-Up Problems vol.2017, pp.1687-6083, 2017,
  20. Comparison and Screening of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options in View of Sustainable Performance and Waste Management vol.9, pp.9, 2017,
  21. HORUS3D/N Neutron Calculation Tool, a Deterministic Scheme Dedicated to JHR Design and Safety Studies pp.1943-748X, 2017,
  22. Improved measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay vol.37, pp.1, 2013,
  23. Neutrino physics with JUNO vol.43, pp.3, 2016,
  24. Improved measurement of the reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum at Daya Bay vol.41, pp.1, 2017,
  25. vol.188, pp.1, 2017,
  26. Simulation of a hypothetical MSLB core transient in VVER-1000 with several stuck rods vol.83, pp.4, 2018,