Double-Layered Frequency Selective Surface Superstrate Using Ring Slot and Dipole-Shaped Unit Cell Structure

  • 투고 : 2010.06.03
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


In this paper, a double-layered frequency selective surface(FSS) superstrate was built and tested. The unit cell of the proposed FSS consists of a ring slot and a dipole-shaped structure and shows a complementary frequency response. Each unit cell is printed on two sides of a substrate. By using these double-layered structures, the first resonant frequency of the pass-band can be lowered. As a result, the size of the unit cell is minimized and the spacing between the other cells is reduced. The proposed FSS-dipole composite antenna is designed for the gain enhancement of wide-band code division multiple access(WCDMA) frequency bands(1.92~2.17 GHz) with a low quality factor(Q=0.17). To verify the gain enhancement performance of the FSS, an FSS-dipole composite antenna was created. Although the FSS layer enhances the gain of the primary radiation source of the dipole antenna, the FSS-dipole complex antenna cannot show a uniform gain over the entire desired frequency band. The experimental results show a gain enhancement of 3 dBi with an FSS superstrate in the WCDMA frequency band.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Scattering analysis of curved FSS using Floquet harmonics and asymptotic waveform evaluation technique vol.17, pp.5, 2014,