Does Omission of Pharmacy Cost Affect Cost-Efficiency Rankings in Medical Clinics?

약제비 제외가 의원의 진료비 효율성 순위에 영향을 미치는가?

  • Kang, Hee-Chung (Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Policy Institute) ;
  • Hong, Jae-Seok (Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Policy Institute)
  • 강희정 (건강보험심사평가원 심사평가정책연구소) ;
  • 홍재석 (건강보험심사평가원 심사평가정책연구소)
  • Received : 2010.05.19
  • Accepted : 2010.09.30
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Background : If different cost efficiency indexes were informed to the same clinic depending on the inclusion or exclusion of pharmacy cost, it may impair the reliability of provider-profiling system. This study aimed to investigate whether the omission of pharmacy cost affects cost-efficiency rankings in medical clinics. Methods : Data for ambulatory care cost at 23,112 medical clinics were collected from the claims database, which was constructed after review by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) of Korea in April 2007. We calculated two types of cost efficiency indexes by inclusion or exclusion of pharmacy cost for a medical clinic. The agreement between the decile rankings of the two indexes was also assessed using the weighted kappa statistic of Landis and Koch. Results : When the cost efficiency index for total cost including pharmacy cost was compared with the index for total cost excluding it, the agreement between the two indexes was only 55%. The agreements between the two indexes were relatively low within specialties which have larger pharmacy volume of total cost and lower correlation between total cost with or without pharmacy cost included than the average level of all the specialties. Conclusion : These results suggest that the omission of pharmacy cost may result in contradictory outcomes that may be confusing to a medical institution and may impair the reliability of provider-profiling systems. It is very important to standardize profiling criteria for the reliability of provider profiling system.



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