An Exploratory Study on Maximizing Tendency and Continuance Intention of Web Sites

  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


Although research on acceptance of information systems provides useful insights in understanding users' behavior, we need to further understand factors that cause long-term or continued use. This article therefore examines the role of users' maximizing tendency (i.e., individual differences in pursuing the best option) in continuance intention of Web sites. By controlling for disconfirmation, ease of use, and product involvement, we empirically investigate the relationships between satisfaction, usefulness, and continuance intention to online bookstore Web sites. As suggested by the information technology continuance model, the effects of satisfaction to and perceived usefulness on continuance intention to Web sites are positive for individuals with low maximizing tendency (i.e., satisficers). Satisfaction and usefulness, however, are not associated with continuance intention for individuals with a high maximizing tendency (i.e., maximizers). The implications for both researchers and practitioners are discussed.



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