- Serial No. 30
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- Pages.63-77
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- 2009
Case Studies of Destructive Restoration of the Metal Relics and Their Problems - Derelict restorations by non-conservators and their ignorant use of irreversible materials -
금속문화재 복원의 부적절한 사례 연구 - 비전문가에 의한 금속문화재 복원 및 비가역성 재료를 이용한 잘못된 복원사례 -
Hwang, Jin-Ju
(Conservation Science Division, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage) ;
Han, Min-Su
(Conservation Science Division, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
- Published : 2009.12.24
Scientific studies of conservation techniques and materials in Korea have experienced fast development since international practice and academic knowledge have been introduced to Korea from Japan, France, Germany, and etc from the late 1960s. In recent years, it has been observed that the academic standard of research and the level knowledge of the field in Korea at present are far advanced to compete with many countries. However, many Korean cases still have displayed that the standard and the quality of conservation practice need to be improved. This research examined several cases of derelict restoration of metal relics executed by non-conservators and the effects of their ignorant use of irreversible materials on the valuable objects. The purpose of the study is to display the problem of such treatments and to suggest a need of framework to prevent the loss of original form from them. Metal Buddha statue (Cosmic Buddha) in Borim Temple (National Treasure No. 117), which was conserved by an unexperienced non-conservator, has suffered from a serious problem of corrosion because of the use of destructive material, iron chloride. Another case for metal Buddha statue in Dopian Temple (National Treasure No. 63) displays a representative example of using irreversible materials, Cashew and such ignorant application made a later conservation treatment so difficult in removing the material from the surface of the statue. In conclusion, the research argued that the understanding of materials used in the objects, and the value of relics is important, and pre-experiments before applying conservation materials to a valuable heritage are essential in the conservation treatment.