적색 대륜 반겹꽃 절화용 다수성 거베라 신품종 "레드라인"

A New Gerbera Variety "Red Line"; High-yielding Cultivar with Red and Semi-double for Cut-flower

  • 박상근 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 임진희 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 신학기 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 김미선 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 정향영 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 조해룡 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 이혜경 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원)
  • Park, Sang Kun (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ;
  • Lim, Jin Hee (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ;
  • Shin, Hak Ki (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ;
  • Kim, Mi Seon (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ;
  • Joung, Hyang Young (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ;
  • Cho, Hae Ryong (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ;
  • Rhee, Hye Kyung (National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA)
  • 투고 : 2009.11.29
  • 발행 : 20091200


농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서는 2005년에 주황색 겹꽃 "Mirage"와 적색 반겹꽃 "Rose"를 교배하여 얻은 실생계통으로부터 2005년부터 2008년까지 4년 동안의 생육특성검정을 거쳐 화색이 밝고 선명한 흑심의 적색(RHS R44B) 반겹꽃을 선발하여 초세 강건한 절화용 거베라 신품종 "Red Line"을 품종육성하였다. 꽃의 직경은 12.7 cm, 외부설상화의 길이와 폭은 각각 5.83 cm와 1.27 cm인 대륜계통이며, 내화경과 화심장이 각각 8.10 cm와 2.80 cm 정도이다. 화형이 안정되고 화색과 화심색이 잘 조화되어 있으며, 화경이 튼튼하고 절화수량이 많아 재배농가 기호도가 높은 품종이다.

A new gerbera variety "Red Line" was released by the National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS) in 2008. A cross was made between "Mirage" with orange and double and "Rose" with red and semi-double in 2005. After investigation of the characteristics for four years (from 2005 to 2008), it was selected specially for the use of cut flower. "Red Line" is a vigorous cultivar with red (RHS R44B), black center and semi-double. The average flower diameter is 12.7 cm, large flower. And inner ray floret and disc diameter are 8.10 cm and 2.80 cm, respectively. It produces a large yield with continuous supply of flowers and has adequate peduncle height. We believe that "Red Line" has a great potential for expanding cultivated area of domestic gerbera cultivars and increasing farmers-income.



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