돼지유행성설사병 지속감염 양돈장의 임상검사 및 방제대책

Clinical Examination and Control Measures in a Commercial Pig Farm Persistently Infected with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea(PED) Virus

  • Park, Choi-Kyu (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Services) ;
  • Lee, Chang-Hee (Department of Microbiology, College of Natural Sciences, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


A swine farm located in the Kyungpook province (designated as farm D that have been suffering from PED for several years was selected to study the etiology and the outbreak pattern of PED by clinical and laboratory examinations. Clinical examination indicated that sows exhibited signs of mastitis resulting in an inadequate transfer of lactogenic immunity against PEDV to newborn piglets. Furthermore, serological tests revealed that all sow groups and their piglets had low levels of anti-PEDV antibody. These data suggest that improper vaccination program has been indeed performed in this farm. Remarkably, despite no symptoms of PED in weaners, the presence of PEDV was identified by RT-PCR from fecal samples of weaning piglets, indicating persistent PEDV circulation in the herd. Based on these results, the following basic control schemes were executed for the control of PEDV circulation in the farm; a) A quick removal of affected pigs and disinfection of affected sheds. b) restructuring of vaccination program and employment of consultant. c) prompt treatment of mastitis and removal of poor lactogenic sows, and d) enhancement of biosecurity of farrowing house by acquisition of additional space. We evaluated risk factors and implementation of control measures in two months and were unable to found any case related to PEDV infection. Taken together, our data indicate that the method described above is effective for the control of PED outbreak in farm persistently suffering from PEDV infection.



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