The purpose of this study was to analyze research trends in scholarly journals that were related to the globalization of Korean food and to provide information on the future of these trends such as various creative subject selection and research methods. 70 papers pertaining to Korean food research, such as academic journals expected to be registered, and national-scale academic papers, were selected. This research was conducted from April 6 to April 22. 2009. The results of this study were as the follows: First, most of the papers, 20(28.6%), were published in the journal of Korean journal of food culture. In addition, most articles had a single author, 24(34.3%). In regard to the profession of the auther, university professor was the most frequent profession, 127 persons(68.3%). In terms of the research subjects, preference was the most dominant preference(19.2%). Investigatory research was the most frequent research method, 58 papers(82.9%). Furthermore, foreigners and natives were the most dominant research objects, 21 papers(30.0%). As for the analysis methods, frequency analysis, one-way ANOVA, T-test, reliability analysis, and factor analysis were used the most in that order. Future studies should includ papers for master's degrees and doctorial degrees.