Difference in Peak and Integrated Target Strengths Depending on Signal Duration Using a Time-Domain Physical Diffraction Theory

  • Lee, Keun-Hwa (Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Sang-Hyun (Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yang, In-Sik (Agency for Defense Development) ;
  • Oh, Won-Tchon (Agency for Defense Development) ;
  • Seong, Woo-Jae (Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


The target strength (TS) is calculated from the measured signal using the definition of the peak TS (PTS) or the integrated TS (ITS). These two types of TS sometimes give different results depending on what the pulse duration is. In this paper, we model the scattered time signal by the numerical code based on the physical diffraction theory and examine the effect of the pulse duration on the value of PTS or ITS. The transformed TS (TTS) for the frequency domain is used as a reference solution.



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