농촌지역의 노인학대 위험요인과 사회지원체계

A Study on the Risk Factors of Elder Abuse and Social Support System in Rural Area

  • 박옥임 (순천대학교 사회복지학부)
  • Park, Ok-Im (Division of Social Welfare, Sunchon National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Research method was a case study as narrative method through in-depth interviews around 21 sufferers of elder abuse in rural area and the researcher interviewed them directly. Conclusively, the majority of sufferers of elder abuse were physically very low in the ADL(activities of daily living) and had been bereaved with no spouse. The relations of abused parents and the adult children were much disagreed and divided as unrecovered. Their economic reliance and physical reliance were much overlapped and the majority of them were low educational background and low income level. In case of the abused old people, they had severe low self respect and melancholy, so they considered severely suicide so much as invaluable as their existing value. In spite of over 80.5 years old average, the abuse action had continued for 6 months to 50 years long and the intensity of the abuse was more strengthened. The majority of abused old people refused mostly the entrance of social welfare facilities for elders and also they desired to live in present living area and their own houses.



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