The strip shape for the stainless steel process has made an issue of the strip quality, and hence the shape control method is developed at the Sendzimir rolling mill (ZRM). ZRM is a stainless cold rolling mill and has actuators for the shape control. They are first intermediate rolls and top crown rolls, which are controlled horizontally and vertically, respectively. The shape control of the stainless steel rolling process has difficulty in obtaining the symmetrical shape. The objective of the shape control is to minimize the shape deviation and to maintain stable state, which keeps symmetrical shape pattern in the lateral direction. The method of the shape recognition employs a least squares method and neural network. The shape deviation is the difference between the target shape and actual shape and is controlled by the fuzzy shape control. The fuzzy shape control using operator's informative knowledge is proposed in this paper. The experiments are carried out online for various stainless materials and sizes. The productivity of the rolling process has increased from 9.0 to 9.4 tons per hour.