한.일 주부들의 친환경 소재 패션상품 구매행동 및 인식 비교

A Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Housewives, considering Purchasing Behaviors and Awareness of Eco-friendly Materials in Fashion Products

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


The objective of this study is to suggest a direction eco-friendly material based fashion products may pursue in the 21 st century in order to protect our environment. This is done by considering the knowledge of the products by housewives, the main consuming players in a household. 398 copies of the survey were collected amongst Korean and Japanese housewives in the 30s and 40s aged group sample and analysed using SPSS 12.0 statistic program. The analysis results are as follows. First, base material was highly knew by Koreans in contradiction with Japanese who were highly knowing the disposal process in regard to eco-friendly fashion products. Second, a higher ratio of Koreans tended to purchase the product with consideration of health issues, however quality of the material was considered more by Japanese buyers. Finally, the result showed that eco-friendly products buyers from both countries had more willingness to purchase eco-friendly material based fashion products than non-buyers in the future. Korean housewives showed more interest in environment, benefit to health and value from eco-friendly material based fashion products than Japanese. Koreans had a better understanding of information and knowledge of the product, as well as higher future purchase intention however, Koreans considered less durability, design and variety of products.



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