국내 종합병원의 공용공간에서 나타나는 군집유형과 이용행태에 관한 조사 연구

A Study on the Type of Community and Behavior of users in the General Hospitals in Korea

  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


Recently general hospitals in Korea are focusing on healing environment which care for patients on the side of spirit and psychology without medical treatment. For the reason, architects are planning a public space on a large scale in which can be held cultural performances and artistic events. Those of social activities can be effective healing environment according to the "Anthroposophical medicine" studied by Rudolf Steiner. To the patient, Social healing environment is relation with normal life and back to the life. The case of a large-scale public space on hospital in foreign country shows the effect of healing environment through social community. So it is valuated as a social healing environment and community space. Even though the large-scale public space has been being increased in our circumstance, there is no evaluation of use on it. So there is no idea how people are satisfied with public space to stay and form a concourse by themselves. The purpose of this study is to find out the desire of people, who use the large-scale public space by analysis of observation research and interview in the general hospitals. And finally this study suggests the factors which can realize social healing environment on the planning of public space in hospital architecture.



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