천주교 부산교구 성당건축의 양식과 전례(典禮)공간 변화경향 연구(I) - 19세기 말에서 1962년 사이에 건립된 부산(釜山)교구 5개 주요 성당건축을 중심으로 -

A Study on The Transformation of Style & Liturgical Space of Catholic Churches in Busan Diocese(I) - Focus on Five Catholic churches in Busan diocese constructed between the end of 19th century and 1962 -

  • 권태일 (동의대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


Since the end of 19th century, The form and inner space for the religious ceremony; liturgical space of Catholic churches in Busan diocese have been changed as various styles by several outer and inner factors. The changing of historical, social, and religious environment, such as Opening Harbor, Japanese Occupation, Korean War & Rehabilitation Period, and Vatican II are generally regarded as main outer factors, and the locality that lay behind the flux of those events is considered as the main inner factor. The former has usually operated as a momentum for showing general trend of Catholic church, while the latter has made local singularity expressed as unusual style and somewhat modified liturgical space compared with Its contemporary churches. In the context, this paper attempt to analyze the transformation process of style and liturgical space of Catholic churches in Busan diocese focused on revealing local singularity with main five churches, Bumil Church, Samrangjin Church, Milyang Church, Jungang Church, and Dongrae Church, constructed between the end of 19th century and 1962.



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