공간디자인에 있어 시적 의미작용에 대한 해석가능성 연구 - 실내디자인 구성요소의 의미 구성적 변환을 중심으로 -

A Study on the possibility of various Interpretation of Poetical Signification in Space Design - Focus on the Semantics generative conversion of construction Factors in Interior Design -

  • 김은지 (경원대학교 실내건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


This research understands semantics-system in contemporary space design as a poetic form. It provides that the possibility of various interpretation of space and makes to escape from insipid formal logic of compulsion uniform meaning. In order to unfold this argument, poetic semantics system has to be revealed using conversion of articulation factors in text of space(semantics and syntax). First of all, after setting up the articulation system of space language, we have to understand the conversion of articulation factors that generate a new grammar breaking up the rule of old syntax. And the various expression of form in Contemporary Space design focuses on a poetic expression, that is, the abstraction system fused by space factors(conversion of articulation system). In this method of research to recognize the subject of space in architecture, the importance of interpretation has to be highlighted, as the importance of language is emphasized that intermediates between object and interpretation. The reason to recognize Contemporary space design as a text is that it is a gathering of symbol as a object of interpretation and a mediator. The important issue of this study is to research how and what to transmit by poetic semantics system in contemporary space design. It brings about a poetic problem what it intends to becomes(the problem of meaning operation) in a narrow sense and a interpretational problem what it intends to do(the problem of communication). When we define interpretation the technique of defining a text, it involves the premise of inevitableness of multiple understanding, or the possibility to Interpret variously. In the end the ambiguity of poetic language and the infinity of moaning process as the moaning expansion system in contemporary space design is the flexible measure to solve the self-criticism.



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