A Study on Characteristics of Stage and Auditorium Space of Modern Performing Arts Centers in America

현대미국공연장의 무대와 객석 공간 특성에 관한 연구

  • 김성기 (대구한의대학교 실내건축학과)
  • Published : 2009.10.31


This study aimed to analyze the types and characteristics of space forms according to the composition of the stage and auditorium space along with the expression trends in the space of performing arts centers through the cases of modern performing arts centers in America. Today since the purposes of performance are multiple, a variety of stage types are applied to each performing arts center. They use various spaces and performances of multiple purposes by moving and transforming the stage and auditorium according to the kinds of performance as a variation of the arena stage. In today's performing arts centers, the sizes of the stage and auditorium can vary widely, and the performances of many different genres are put to multiple purposes. There appear complex performing arts centers that can plan performing spaces of diverse sizes and forms to fit the functions of a performance in a large building. Since they put on performances in a large space according to the characteristics of the kind of performance, the intentions and goals of the performance are well delivered to the audience.



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