A Study on Building the Regional Cluster: The Case of Fire and Emergency Industrial Cluster in Samcheok-si

  • Lee, Dong-Kyu (Dept. of Public Administration Graduate School of Governance Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Yang, Gi-Geun (Division of Fire Service Administration Wonkwang University)
  • Published : 2009.09.28


Korea has relied on top down development method, in which companies, research and education institutions move into the industrial complexes established by the government. However, to improve local competitiveness, the paradigm is shifting from the government initiated industrial complex to the clusters based on the cooperative network of the region. Representative case is 'Samcheok-si Fire & Emergency industry cluster construction project' that begun in 2007. AHP technique analysis results on first-stage showed that priority was on policy and network elements, and the results of second-stage analysis show that priority was on Policy incentives to internationalize the cluster and strengthen link,. Cluster branding, Sharing of organizational culture to cope with changes in environment, Creation of group learning culture. The subject of this research is limited to Samcheok-si's the Fire and Emergency Industry cluster formation project. Therefore, the research area and standard should be expanded to increase generality in further researches.



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