The purpose of this study is to provide an remodification method for elementary school complex facilities in Seoul Metropolitan city. This study analyzes the questionnaire survey for 568 entire elementary schools and the questionnaire survey for school facility complex project operated 44 elementary schools. Then the result of this study was deduced from the comparison between the 568 entire survey data and 44 survey data in terms of the cognition of school facility complex project, the required type of facility and the problems of complex facility maintenance and operation. Four major findings were revealed as the result of research. First, there is a very high agreement with the school facility complex projects. Second, it was need that the process of planning and design was remodified to enhance participation of parents of students and local residents for selecting an appropriate complex facility. Third, education environment and student safety should be protected from any other school facility complex environments. Fourth, an agreement and regulation is needed for more effective maintenance and operation of school complex facilities.