HW/SW Co-Design of an Adaptive Frequency Decision in the Bluetooth Wireless Network

  • Moon, Sang-Ook (Department of Electronic Engineering, Mokwon University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


In IEEE 802.15.1 (Bluetooth) Ad-hoc networks, the frequency is resolved by the specific part of the digits of the Device clock and the Bluetooth address of the Master device in a given piconet. The piconet performs a fast frequency hopping scheme over 79 carriers of 1-MHz bandwidth. Since there is no coordination between different piconets, packet collisions may occur if two piconets are located near one another. In this paper, we proposed a software/hardware co-design of an adaptive frequency decision mechanism so that more than two different kinds of wireless devices can stay connected without frequency collision. Suggested method was implemented with C program and HDL (Hardware Description Language) and automatically synthesized and laid out. The adaptive frequency hopping circuit was implemented in a prototype and showed its operation at 24MHz correctly.



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