Analysis of Transport Characteristics for FinFET Using Three Dimension Poisson's Equation

  • Jung, Hak-Kee (Department of Electronic Eng., Kunsan National University) ;
  • Han, Ji-Hyeong (Department of Electronic Eng., Kunsan National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


This paper has been presented the transport characteristics of FinFET using the analytical potential model based on the Poisson's equation in subthreshold and threshold region. The threshold voltage is the most important factor of device design since threshold voltage decides ON/OFF of transistor. We have investigated the variations of threshold voltage and drain induced barrier lowing according to the variation of geometry such as the length, width and thickness of channel. The analytical potential model derived from the three dimensional Poisson's equation has been used since the channel electrostatics under threshold and subthreshold region is governed by the Poisson's equation. The appropriate boundary conditions for source/drain and gates has been also used to solve analytically the three dimensional Poisson's equation. Since the model is validated by comparing with the three dimensional numerical simulation, the subthreshold current is derived from this potential model. The threshold voltage is obtained from calculating the front gate bias when the drain current is $10^{-6}A$.



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